All Geared Lathe Machine

All Geared Lathe Machine
All Geared Lathe Machine

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Basic Understanding: Accuracy of Lathe Machine - MICRONS

Lathe Machine Accuracy-I

Lathe is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the world. It is commonly known as the mother of all other machine tool. The main function of a lathe is to remove metal from a job to give it the required shape and size. The job is securely and rigidly held in the chuck or in between centers on the lathe machine and then turn it against a single point cutting tool which will remove metal from the job in the form of chips.

Now the most important point to be noticed in the machine is the accuracy of the machine which is observed in Microns(µ(a unit of length where 1 millimeter is equal to 1000 microns or 0.001mm) and just for the reference a human hair on an average is 50 microns thick i.e. 0.05mm

Below are the examples of lathe machine accuracy test although this accuracy does depends upon the length of center to center distance. This topic requires a number of articles which we will try to cover most of them.

For any inquiry about lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Basic Understanding: Chamfer, Facing & Turning on Lathe Machine

Chamfer, Facing & Turning on Lathe Machine

There are various operations performed on the lathe machine apart than plain turning of the metal piece. These are Chamfer, facing, Turning. Grooving, Forming, Knurling, Drilling, Taper Turning and other operations are performed on the single lathe machine. Few of the operations are discussed here below:

1. Chamfering: Chamfering is the operation of beveling the extreme end of the work piece. The form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose. Chamfering is an essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass freely on the threaded work piece.

2. Facing: Facing is the operation of machining the ends of a piece of work to produce flat surface square with the axis. The operation involves feeding the tool perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the work.

3. Turning: Turning in a lathe is to remove excess material from the work piece to produce a cylindrical surface of required shape and size.

Preet Lathe Udyog ensures to meet the quality tolerances required in the lathe machines that results in cost effectiveness and accuracy.

Visit us for more details and pricing of lathe machine at:

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Basic Understanding: Lathe Machine Identifications

Basic Understanding: Lathe Machine Identifications

A Lathe Machine is manufactured from grey cast iron which includes Lathe Machine bed itself, Headstock, Tailstock, Slides & other most of the parts. The main reason it is made from grey cast iron because it can absorbs vibration better than steel and convert it in heat. Also, grey cast iron can be machined easily.

Bed: The bed of the lathe machine is the base of the lathe machine where all other parts of the machine are mounted. Preet Lathe Machine bed is made from graded grey cast iron. Machine bed is decided as per length of the turning required, which is called Admit Between Centre or Distance Between Centre.

Head Stock: The outer surface of the head stock is made from cast iron and it comprises of alloy spindle, gears and bearings. There are two types of headstocks that comes along with the machines i.e. Cone Pulley Head Structure & All Geared Head Structure.  Please go through link for more detail on Head Structure:

Tail Stock: It is basically for giving support to the circular jobs being turned on centres. Dead Centre, Live Centre & Rotating Centre are used for these kinds of jobs where Tail Stock Spindle Centre is manufactured with Morse Taper as per job requirement.

Carriage: Carriage is mounted on the guide ways of the lathe machine and it can move in a direction parallel to the spindle axis. It comprises of important parts like apron, cross slide, saddle, compound rest and tool post.

For more information please visit us at:

Friday, 4 May 2018



Preet Lathe® machines are provided with Full Norton Gearbox also known as Quick Change Gearbox for threading and feed shaft mechanism with different feed range and threading capability. To do away with the inconvenience and loss of time involved in removing and replacing change gears, lathes have a self-contained change gear mechanism, commonly called a quick-change gear box or full Norton gearbox. There are a number of types used on different types of lathes, but they are all similar in principle however have different capability. The quick-change gearbox mechanism consists of a cone-shaped group of change gears. One can instantly connect any single gear in the gear train by a sliding tumbler gear controlled by a lever. 

Full Norton Gearbox
The cone of gears is keyed to a shaft which drives the lead screw (or feed rod) directly or through an intermediate shaft. Each gear in the cluster has a different number of teeth and hence produces a different ratio when connected in the train. Sliding gears also produce other changes in the gear train to increase the number of different ratios one can get with the cone of change gears.  All changes are made by shifting the appropriate levers or knobs.  An index plate or chart mounted on the gear box indicates the position in which to place the levers to obtain the necessary gear ratio to cut the threads or produce the feed desired. Preet Lathe offers different type of quick change or full Norton gearbox as per threading requirement and for more information please visit us at: