All Geared Lathe Machine

All Geared Lathe Machine
All Geared Lathe Machine

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Lathe Machine Apron Mechanism

Apron Mechanism

Lead screw and feed rod is getting power from spindle gear through tumbler gears. Power is transmitted from feed rod to the worm wheel through gears A, B, C, D and worm. A spline shaft is attached with worm wheel.
The spline shaft is always engaged with the gears F and G which are keyed to the feed check shaft. A knob ‘E’ is fitted with feed check shaft. Feed check knob ‘E’ can be placed in three positions such as neutral, push-in and pull-out. When the feed check knob ‘E’ is in neutral position, power is not transmitted either to cross feed screw or to the carriage since gears F and G have no connection with H and K.
Therefore, hand feed is given as follows. When the longitudinal feed hand wheel rotates, pinion I will also be rotated through I and H. pinion I will move on rack for taking longitudinal feed. For getting cross feed, cross slide screw will be rotated by using cross slide hand wheel. When the feed check knob ‘E’ is push-in, rotating gear G will be engaged to H then the power will be transmitted to pinion I and pinion I will rotate on rack. So, automatic longitudinal feed takes place.

When the feed check knob ‘E’ is pulled-out, the rotating gear F will be engaged to K. Hence, the power will be transmitted to cross feed screws through L. This leads to automatic cross feed. For thread cutting, half nut is engaged by half nut lever after putting knob ‘E’ neutral position. Half nut is firmly attached with the carriage. As the lead screw rotates, the carriage will automatically move along the axis of the lathe. Both longitudinal and cross feed can be reversed by operating the tumbler gear mechanism.

For lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Friday, 22 November 2019

Thread Cutting on Lathe Machine


Thread of any pitch, shape and size can be cut on a lathe using single point cutting tool. Thread cutting is operation of producing a helical groove on spindle shape such as V, square or power threads on a cylindrical surface.

Thread Cutting Mechanism on Lathe Machine

  • Thread cutting is operation of producing a helical groove on spindle shape such as V, square or power threads on a cylindrical surface.
  • The job is held in between centers or in a chuck and the cutting tool is held on tool post.
  • The cutting tool must travel a distance equal to the pitch (in mm/inch/diametrical/module) as the work piece completes a revolution.
  • The definite relative rotary and linear motion between job and cutting tool is achieved by locking or engaging a carriage motion with lead screw and nut mechanism and fixing a gear ratio between head stock spindle and lead screw.
  • To make or cut threads, the cutting tool is brought to the start of job and a small depth of cut is given to cutting tool using cross slide.
For lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Friday, 15 November 2019

Lathe Machine Construction


A simple lathe comprises of a bed made of grey cast iron on which headstock, tailstock, carriage and other components of lathe are mounted. The major parts of lathe machine are given as under:

The main parts of the lathe machine are:

1. Bed
2. Headstock
3. Tailstock
4. Carriage
5. Feed mechanism
6. Thread cutting mechanism

For lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Lathe Machine


Lathe is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the world. It is commonly known as the mother of all other machine tool.
The main function of a lathe is to remove metal from a job to give it the required shape and size. The job is securely and rigidly held in the chuck or in between centers on the lathe machine and then turn it against a single point cutting tool which will remove metal from the job in the form of chips. Pictured attached shows the working principle of lathe.

An engine lathe is the most basic and simplest form of the lathe. It derives its name from the early lathes, which obtained their power from engines.

Besides the simple turning operation as described above, lathe can be used to carry out other operations also, such as drilling, reaming, boring, taper turning, knurling, screw thread cutting, grinding etc.

For lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Sunday, 7 July 2019





Thread of any pitch, shape and size can be cut on a Preet lathe using single point cutting tool. Thread cutting is operation of producing a helical groove on spindle shape such as V, square or power threads on a cylindrical surface. The job is held in between centers or in a chuck and the cutting tool is held on tool post.

The cutting tool must travel a distance equal to the pitch (in mm) as the work piece completes a revolution. The definite relative rotary and linear motion between job and cutting tool is achieved by locking or engaging a carriage motion with lead screw and nut mechanism and fixing a gear ratio between head stock spindle and lead screw. To make or cut threads, the cutting tool is brought to the start of job and a small depth of cut is given to cutting tool using cross slide.

For lathe machine price, please contact us at:

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Basic Understanding: Taper Turning Attachment

Taper Turning Attachment Method

Preet Lathe Udyog offers Taper Turning Attachment as standalone as well as with the Lathe Machine. This method is commonly employed for generating external tapers only.


In this method, the taper turning attachment is bolted back of the lathe machine. It has guide bar which may be set at any desired angle or taper. As the carriage moves along the bed length aside over bar causes the tool to move in and out according to setting of the bar. The taper setting on the bar is duplicated on the job or work. The merit of this method is that the lathe centers are kept in alignment.

For price of Taper Turning Attachment for lathe machine, please contact us at:

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Basic Understanding: Lathe Operations Part II


Further moving to our understanding lathe machine series, there are numerous operations that are performed on the machine to provide shape and size. Here now, we will describe the different lathe machine working which are performed by holding the work by a chuck or a face plate:

Lathe Machine Operations

1. Undercutting
2. Parting-off
3. Internal thread cutting
4. Drilling
5. Reaming
6. Boring
7. Counter boring
8. Taper boring
9. Tapping

Visit us for more details and pricing of lathe machine at:

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Basic Understanding: Lathe Operations Part I


To continue our Basic Understanding of the Lathe Machines. We move on to the various operations that are performed in a lathe and the job is being supported and driven by anyone of the following methods:

Lathe Operation

1. Job is held and driven by chuck with the other end supported on the tail stock center.

2. Job is held between centers and driven by carriers and catch plates.

3. Job is held on a mandrel, which is supported between centers and driven by carriers and catch plates.

4. Job is held and driven by a chuck or a face plate or an angle plate.

The above methods for holding the job can be classified under two headings namely job held between centers and job held by a chuck or any other fixture.

The operations performed in a lathe can be understood by three major categories and here we will try to understand the first category and other two will follow:

Operations, which can be performed in a lathe either by holding the work piece between centers or by a chuck are:

  • Straight Turning
  • Shoulder Turning
  • Chamfering
  • Eccentric Turning
  • Thread Cutting
  • Facing
  • Forming
  • Filing
  • Polishing
  • Grooving
  • Knurling
  • Spinning
  • Spring Winding
  • Taper Turning

Preet Lathe Udyog ensures to meet the quality tolerances required in the lathe machines that results in cost effectiveness and accuracy.

Visit us for more details and pricing of lathe machine at: